jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Reflection Unit 2

Well, I think this unit was a little bit electrifying! It made me think a lot of the bunch of work for the tutor to develop.

To develop an e-tivity is not as simple as it seems. But anyway I enjoyed because now I know the work that really takes, and working in pairs was a good experience. According to the question of What I think is relevant for my development as an e-tutor, WOW, definetively good organisation, familiarity with the structure of the course, ability to develop resources and ability to communicate through written form, because if I don´t express what I really want to, my students will get confused and the tasks won´t be done as should be.

I really liked this unit, there´s still a lot to learn about.

miƩrcoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

Concepts of DE - GLOSSARY

Distance education, or distance learning, is a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically "on site". Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students may communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media, or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time and through other online ways [2]. Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason including the taking of examinations is considered to be a hybrid or blended course of study.

Online education As per definition on the web, it is basically credit-granting courses or education training delivered primarily via the Internet to students at remote locations, including their homes. The Online courses may or may not be delivered synchronously. An online course may need that students and teachers meet once or periodically in a physical setting for lectures, labs, or exams, so long as the time spent in the physical setting does not exceed 25 percent of the total course time. Online education encompasses various degrees and courses. Through online education, one can opt for many

Distance learning makes it possible to earn degrees without quitting your day job. Your schedule is more hectic than ever with work, family, and errands. When it comes to continuing your education, you need a school that works with your busy schedule. That’s where distance learning comes. It’s and plenty of bangs for your buck.
-Learning - Any learning that utilizes a network (LAN, WAN or Internet) for delivery, interaction, or facilitation. This would include distributed learning , distance learning (other than pure correspondence ), CBT delivered over a network, and WBT . Can be synchronous , asynchronous , instructor-led or computer-based or a combination.

Course Management System - Also shortened to "CMS." The software, usually web-based, used by colleges and universities, as well as corporations and government, that facilitates distance learning by centralizing the development, management, and distribution of instructional-related information and materials. A CMS provides faculty with a set of tools that allows the easy creation of course content - syllabi, course modules, lecture notes, assignments, tests and quizzes, etc. - and is the framework in which they teach and manage the class. To an online student, a CMS is simply the vehicle by which you, the instructor, and your fellow learners interact using asynchronous discussion boards and live chat tools; access course information and materials, submit assignments, check your grades, etc.

Asynchronous Communication - Non-synchronous, two-way communication in which there is a delay between when a message is sent and when it is actually received. In distance learning, asynchronous communication most often take the form of email (e.g. your professor emails you with feedback on an assignment), voicemail (e.g. you leave a message for your professor on his/her office phone), and discussion boards (e.g. you post a reply to a classmate's question in a threaded class discussion.)

Effectiveness Measure of achieving a specific goal: Typical effectiveness measures in distance education include cost, course design, instruction, media, teaching strategies, technology. Relates to quality assurance.

Feedback Key element in any form of communication: the response of the receiver to the sender.

Learner Autonomy "Concept that learners have different capacities for making decisions regarding their own learning." Relates to the structure and interactive expectations of a distance education course. A key element in adult learning.

Blended Learning an increasing popular combination of online and in-person learning activities.

Blog (Weblog) a public web site where users post informal journals of their thoughts, comments, and philosophies, updated frequently and normally reflecting the views of the blog's creator.

Discussion Forums a place where people can exchange messages of common interest.
Synchronous Learning is often referred to as 'live' learning and is used in conjunction with online learning. It means that the communications occur at the same time between individuals and information is accessed instantly. People can communicate in 'real time' using their computers to both talk to each other as well as text chat. Presentations can be made using electronic whiteboards and electronic slides. This type of interaction is referred to as a 'virtual classroom'. Presentations, conversations and text can be stored (archived) and made available online as a resource.In a threaded discussion users have the option of responding to one another directly. Although there may be a general topic, as in the discussion example above, subtopics emerge as students respond to specific postings. These secondary postings are the "threads" that spin off from the main discussion: a student responds directly to a comment made about the main topic, and another student responds to the response, and so a thread is formed. A threaded discussion is a group conversation with simultaneous side conversations. There is little sense of sequence in a threaded discussion; you can easily chime in at any point in the conversation

Facilitator The online course instructor is often referred to as the course facilitator. Online instructors do not retain their traditional "teacher-centered" roles from the brick-and-mortar, face-to-face paradigm. Instead, they become the medium through which discovery learning is facilitated in a student-centered environment. The facilitator is often referred to as the "course moderator." In Interactive Videoconferencing (IVC) the far-end helping staff person, whether teacher or para-educator, is called the "facilitator."

BBS (bulletin board system)a system maintained by a host computer for posting information, carrying on discussions, uploading and downloading files, chatting, and other online services. BBSs are generally created for a specific group of users and are usually topic-specific.

Reflection Unit 1

Hello everyone! Welcome to my portfolio!!!

In this first unit we read about some differences, similarities and characteristics of open, distance and traditional education.

I think that is really interesting how education is changing, education is a constant process during our lives. In any type of learning: open, distance or traditional the student has to be responsible for his own learning process.
According to what I read, now I know that Open Education has not a rigorous structure, is a flexible system where the teacher-student interaction can happen not always in a same place, the same time, the content may vary. Distance education tend to be more structured even when in this type of learning there´s no physical interaction. Teacher and student are in contact by a web page, an interesting fact that I learned is about how this type of learning began; I´m talking about mail learning, not e-mail, real written mail letters.
Traditional Education is well known, a place, time and content is defined and set. The teacher presents the topic and the student listens and work on a task assigned by the teacher.

Nowadays, every student can choose a type of learning, the better that fits with his context. There are many ways of learning process, in any of these the self-learning compromise is very important. We can mention some elements that in any process are definitive: a teacher or tutor, content, assignments and students´autonomy.